Contact Me
Tanisha Breton 517-796-0259
115 W Wilkins Street
Jackson, Michigan 49203
My Yorkie puppies are normally reserved ahead of breeding but if you like to be added to my wait list I welcome you to contact me.
Recognized As Best Yorkie Breeder in Michigan and Best Yorkie Breeder in the USA
Priceless Yorkie Puppy is listed as a top-quality Yorkshire Terrier Breeder as a source for a Teacup Yorkie puppy.
Priceless Yorkie Puppy is listed as a reputable Yorkshire Terrier breeder. has listed Priceless Yorkie Puppy as a recognized Teacup Yorkie Breeder in the USA. List breeders of Teacup Yorkies in the United States has recognized Priceless Yorkie Puppy as one of the Top 7 Yorkshire Terriers Breeders In Michigan with Teacup Yorkie Puppies
Pet Lover Guy has recognized Priceless Yorkie Puppy as one of the Top 4 Breeders in the US with Yorkie puppies for sale. Read their review on why they listed Priceless Yorkie Puppy as number 1 on their list.